Domestic and Family Violence (single subject)

Subject typeSubject codeFeeTerm
AccreditedHLTH90007Assessed: $3,208
Non-assessed: $2,408
2 (April)


Enhance your skills in the area of domestic and family violence to respond to and help prevent current and future violence. Calling on 30 years’ experience as a practitioner, researcher, educator and author, Professor Cathy Humphreys from the University of Melbourne has developed the Domestic and Family Violence subject to provide a focused, wholly online course aimed at providing social workers, counsellors and professionals in related roles with these skills.

Findings in the Violence against women in Australia report by the Australian Human Rights Commission in 2017 have highlighted the prevalence of domestic violence throughout the country as an ongoing societal problem. To address this issue, our Domestic and Family Violence unit draws on diverse cultural, structural, relational and individual perspectives and the latest prevention initiatives.

As a student of the Domestic and Family Violence subject, you will learn:

  • about what informs the response to domestic and family violence (DFV)
  • to identify the principles which inform intervention in the perpetration of DFV
  • to understand the impact of DFV on children and the points for intervention.

This subject incorporates the latest evidence-based approaches and is taught by academics with decades of experience, who are passionate about addressing domestic abuse. With its 100% online delivery mode, you’ll be able to up skill without disrupting your existing work schedule.

If you choose to further your study after taking professional development single subjects, you can still study the Advanced Social Work or Health and Human Services courses by choosing from the following course options:

Entry Requirements

In order to be considered for entry, applicants must have completed:

  • An undergraduate qualification related to a health or human services field or an entry to practice social work qualification, which provides eligibility for membership of the Australian Association of Social Workers (or equivalent)
  • At least two years of documented relevant work experience.

Meeting these requirements makes you eligible for selection but does not guarantee selection.

In ranking applications, the Selection Committee will consider:

  • Prior academic performance; and
  • Professional work experience.

The Selection Committee may seek further information to clarify any aspect of an application in accordance with the Student Application and Selection Procedure.

Applicants are required to satisfy the University’s English language requirements for postgraduate courses. For those applicants seeking to meet these requirements by one of the standard tests approved by the Academic Board, performance band 7 is required.

Students taking the course from overseas are not required to have an international student visa.

To be considered for entry, applicants must have completed:

  • A Bachelor Degree (or equivalent qualification) in the discipline of nursing
  • Applicants are required to satisfy the university’s English language requirements for postgraduate courses. For those applicants seeking to meet these requirements by one of the standard tests approved by the Academic Board, performance band 6.5 is required.

How to apply

  1. Check you meet the entry requirements
  2. Decide which study mode you are applying for and read through the application instructions (use NA-CAPPG for assessed and NA-AUDITPG for non-assessed)
  3. Note the subject code (you'll need this to complete your application).

Apply now

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